
Who won Jeopardy! tonight? November 10, 2022, Thursday

Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions 2022 aired its second game of the semi-finals on Thursday, November 10, 2022.

Season 38 champion Matt Amodio was one of the competitors on the episode. While the remaining two players earned a spot in the semi-finals after winning their quarter-final rounds held last week, Matt had a direct ticket to the latest episode.

Matt advanced directly to the semi-finals as he was the second-highest scorer of season 38, after Amy Schneider (40 wins). Take a look at the list of players of the November 10 episode:

  • Matt Amodio (38 wins, $39,082 average score): a postdoctoral researcher from Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • John Focht (4 wins: $22,016 average score): a software team lead originally from El Paso, Texas.
  • Sam Buttrey (Professors Tournament champion): an associate professor of operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School from Pacific Grove, California.

Today’s Jeopardy! winner is Sam Buttrey

The November 10 game was pretty intense. The players played wonderfully, however, 38-day-winner Matt seemed nervous as he struggled to win.

The categories for the first round were “All Over The Map, Organizations, Nutrition, 21st Century Bestsellers, Celebs, Drop The Mic.”

The scores of all three players were quite close to each other. While Sam Buttrey took the lead with a score of $4,600, John Focht earned $4,200 and Matt banked $4,000. None of them gave an incorrect answer, except Matt, as he delivered one wrong answer.

In the second round, the categories included “The Lore Of The Land, Scientific Trios, The Rock Bassist’S Group, We Spy, With Our Little ‘I’, Something That Is…”

Matt found the first Daily Double and his score went up to $16,800. While he was searching for another Daily Double, Sam found it and won $6,000. Towards the end of the Double Jeopardy round, Sam’s total was $23,000. John landed in third place with $12,600.

In the Final Jeopardy, all the players gave the right answer to the final question. While Matt played it safe and wagered $0, John and Sam’s wagering amounts went up over $10,000. Sam was the highest scorer on the November 10 episode.

Hence, Sam Buttrey won Jeopardy! today.

Sam Buttrey: Tonight's winner (Image via @sam_buttrey/Twitter)

Final Jeopardy! results today

In the final round of Thursday’s episode, the category was “Geographic Pairs.” The clue/question read:

“By ferry, the distance between these 2 paired Mediterranean islands is about 40 miles from Alcudia to Ciutadella.”

The correct answer for the final clue was “Majorca and Menorca.”

All three players gave the correct answer and won their wagering money. Take a look at the final results of the November 10 episode:

Sam Buttrey: $23,000 + $10,601 = $33,601 (What are Majorca & Minorca?) (Finalist)

John Focht: $12,600 + $11,400 = $24,000 ($10,000) (What are Majorca and Minorca?)

Matt Amodio: $16,800 + $0 = $16,800 ($10,000) (What Minorca & Mallorca)

With today’s win, Sam became the finalist of the 2022 Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions. He will play against season 38’s highest scorer and first ToC semi-final winner Amy Schneider (40 wins). The finale episode will feature Sam, Amy, and another finalist from Friday’s episode.

The last semi-finals will be held on Friday, November 11, 2022, where the third-highest scorer of season 38, Mattea Roach, will return to defend her 23 wins. She will be up against Eric Ahasic and Andrew He, who earned their spots in the semi-finals after winning their respective games in the quarterfinals last week.

The syndicated game show airs new episodes from Monday through Friday.

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Mittie Cheatwood

Update: 2024-06-18